Best Intimate Skin Care & Lube for Someone Prone to Yeast Infection

 A woman standing in a field cross legged

A yeast infection in your genital area can be annoying at the very least and dangerous for your health at its worst. 

Research states that 3 out of 4 persons with vaginas suffer from a yeast infection at least once in their lives. So if you already had one, your risk of developing a new yeast infection is more than if you had not. People with penises are not immune either even if they don’t experience yeast infections as frequently.

Yeast is not a foreign intruder to the vaginal environment. On the contrary, it is part of a delicate balance that maintains healthy conditions when adequately overseen and cared for. 

Yeast and Bacterial Infections

Any disruption of the vaginal balance can lead to dryness or infection, both bacterial or yeast. Their symptoms are different, which aids in diagnosis and treatment. 

While both conditions produce itchiness and vaginal discharges, bacterial infection discharges can have a “fishy” smell and a greyish color. In contrast, yeast infection discharges are usually odorless, of a thick texture, and white in color.

Other yeast infection symptoms include genital redness, swelling, and irritation. In addition, there can be a burning sensation while having intercourse or urinating. Furthermore, you can develop a complicated infection from lack of treatment or catching Candida fungus strains in rare cases. If you get this, symptoms can be severe, including skin tearing, cracking, or the apparition of sores.

Yeast Infection Treatment

If you find yourself burdened with one or more of these symptoms, visit your gynecologist for a pelvic examination. If your doctor finds anything out of the ordinary in your vaginal canal or cervix, they will probably take a sample of vaginal fluid to run some lab tests.

If the results are positive for a yeast infection, they will prescribe an antifungal treatment. This medication can come in the form of a cream, ointments, tablets, or suppositories, depending on the severity of your case. The duration of your medication use will also depend on the severity of your infection. 

Some people appeal to home remedies, like applying greek yogurt, boric acid, fungicidal essential oils, or bathing in heavily diluted apple cider vinegar. While some of these remedies might be somewhat effective against yeast infections, we advise caution, and encourage you to talk about them with your doctor.

If your treatment is not sufficient, you may end up with resistant fungi and probably a complicated infection. Proceed cautiously, as if you apply more potent remedies, you may damage your skin or intoxicate yourself, as would happen with an overdose of boric acid.

How to Prevent Yeast Infections

Preventing yeast infections is easier and less risky for your health. Use underwear with cotton layers around the crotch area and wash them in hot water. Other fabrics don’t breathe sufficiently and can keep your natural moisture trapped, creating a suitable environment for yeast proliferation. This situation can also occur if you stay for too long in wet clothes, like swimsuits, or use very tight leggings or pantyhose frequently.

In addition, using scented intimate products, vaginal douches, or taking scalding baths can harm your natural lactobacilli. This will not be enough to contain the yeast growth, and the fungus might return, and proliferate.

Despite having a higher risk in sexually active people, yeast infections are not Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). However, you can get it from unprotected intercourse with a partner who has it. If you or your partner have doubts about having a yeast infection or any other genital condition, use condoms for any point of contact (fingers, mouths, or genitals) and check with your doctor.

Having a healthy lifestyle is an excellent way of preventing yeast infections. A well-balanced diet with regular exercise and bathing will keep your immune system active and vigilant for any disruption. In addition, the ingestion of probiotic yogurt and supplements will help your body maintain a healthy amount of lactobacilli and naturally regulate your yeast population. 

Am I Prone to Yeast Infections?

Situations that weaken your immune system will leave you at risk of developing a yeast infection. For example, an unbalanced diet, stress, or poor sleep habits will debilitate your body, leaving you open for diverse conditions and diseases, including yeast overpopulation.

In addition, having uncontrolled diabetes, an immune disorder, or taking medication that weakens your immune system will also leave you more prone to yeast infections on in addition of your original condition.

Even if you are in good health, some situations will increase your infection risk. One of these conditions comes from hormonal disturbances that can lower your estrogen levels. Since estrogen aids the growth of lactobacilli, the lack of it will leave them weakened, allowing for the uncontrolled spread of yeast. 

Pregnancy, hormone therapy, and contraception are examples that can affect your vaginal flora in a way that leaves you prone to yeast infections. Even something supposedly as simple as being on antibiotics therapy can result in yeast growth. 

Regular antibiotics are not very good at telling the difference between harmful and beneficial bacteria. They will attack the lactobacillus, too, lowering their numbers and allowing the yeast to multiply.

Best Lube for Preventing Yeast Infections

Being prone to yeast infections should not prevent you from enjoying sexual intimacy. However, the fear of developing one may dissuade you from having a fun, intimate time with yourself, your toys, or a partner(s). Obviously, you don’t want to burden yourself or partner with the accompanying irritation and discomfort of a yeast infection. 

Lubrication can be a critical element in the natural enjoyment of sex while keeping your natural yeast out in balance. Whether or not you are prone to yeast infections, you have to look for the options that take the best care of your skin. For that, you will need a lube that prevents irritation and soothes your skin without  disrupting your natural pH.

When looking for sexual lubes, the three standard options are oil-based, silicone-based, and water-based lubes. People who prefer oil-based lubes like their viscosity, durability, and water resistance. However, they do not work well with latex condoms and can stain your sheets and clothes. Oil-based lubes are another option, but can increase your risk of urinary, bacterial, and yeast infections. Therefore, this is not the best choice in lubes for someone prone to yeast infection.

On the other hand, silicone-based lubricants have the viscosity and water resistance of oil-based lubes without damaging your condoms. However, their downside may lie in an expensive price-tag and that they will ruin your silicone toys over time. They are also difficult to wash off, so you might have to scrub your skin excessively, exposing yourself to higher infection risk.

The best lubes for yeast infection prevention are water-based lubes. Try to choose a lube without glycerin or parabens when possible. Glycerin has a slightly sweet taste, which might sound pleasing for oral sex, but increases your infection risk. Likewise, parabens can interact with your endocrine system, acting like estrogen. This action can affect the lactobacilli and disrupt the natural balance of your vaginal environment.

Natural product types lubes will take care of your skin while protecting the natural pH and delicate balance of your vagina. Our recommended lubes are water-based, do not contain glycerin, parabens, or any irritant. This makes them the best lubes for someone prone to yeast infection.

In addition, use the natural hyaluronic serum of GoLove to soothe your delicate labial and perineal skin. GoLove will preserve your natural pH. In addition, it’s therapeutically moisturizing and softening, for plump, juicy skin!

GoLove is not only meant to be used to prepare your intimate skin for sex. Taking care of delicate skin is essential to maintaining natural moisture and smoothness, which will set you up to enjoy physical contact.

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