How to Increase Sex Drive After Menopause

An older couple walking by beach holding hands

As you experience menopause, your body goes through changes, and for some they may notice their libido or sex drive alters. It might increase, but most commonly due to low hormone levels, the libido decreases. 

If you think your sex drive has decreased after menopause, it does not mark the end of a healthy sex life. Although these changes can be upsetting, there are a couple of steps you can follow to help increase your libido.

Does Menopause Affect Libido

Menopause comes with the loss of estrogen and testosterone, leading to changes in the human body and sex drive. While experiencing menopause, the body will no longer be as easily aroused, as you may be less sensitive to the sensations from touching and stroking. Sadly, this is a cause that leads people to have less interest in sex. 

Other factors that can affect sexual desire are psychological, stress, and relationship problems. There are several other symptoms some experience with menopause, like depression, mood swings, weight pain, hot flashes, to name a few.

Additionally, the decrease of hormone levels can lead to vaginal dryness and tightness, which can cause pain during sexual intercourse. Your testosterone and estrogen levels both decrease, causing a drop in blood supply to the vagina. 

If you are going through menopause and notice changes in your libido, we strongly recommend seeing a doctor who can help determine the cause of those changes and symptoms. Post diagnosis, and depending on why your sex drive has decreased, if no physical causes account for the decrease of your libido, your doctor might refer you to other health specialist or perhaps a sex therapist. 

As uncomfortable as it may seem, talking to your doctor about your concern can help you figure out your symptoms to plot a path to relief. Thankfully, as menopause is a common condition, there are many treatments for libido changes due to menopause.

How to Get Sex Drive back After Menopause

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

There are studies that show how a  moderate dose of testosterone can help people going through menopause increase their libido. Estrogen pills can also reduce vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy by replacing your body’s hormones that are no longer being produced. There are also vaginal creams or rings to avoid any potential side effects associated with the therapy.

Lubricant & Serums

One of the best ways to deal with vaginal dryness is using a high quality, water-based lubricant, as these can help you increase your libido and ease any pain or discomfort you might feel during intercourse.  GoLove's water-based serum is a delightful option to address delicate labial skin. It's soothing, natural ingredients and smooth, slick glide feel amazing on intimate labial and perineal skin. GoLove CBD Serum can help set the stage to deepen the connection of intimacy between you and your partner(s). 

How to Increase Sex Drive After Menopause Naturally


Welcome intimacy by practicing and thinking about sex. Focusing on intimacy can help you boost your sex drive and creates a bond between you and your partner(s). Non-sexual activities can also relieve and calm tension and any anxiety towards sex. Kissing, caressing, sends signals to the rest of your body so it can prepare and relax your pelvic floor muscles.


Take time to meditate and relieve stress. Stress is one of the leading causes that can affect sex drive and yoga is a well-studied activity that provide enormous benefits to the body and mind. Consider a yoga practice, and start small. Or pick any physical activity that can bring you mental peace and clarity. A clear mind, is a happy mind. 

Improve quality of sleep

People who lead a hectic lifestyle tend to struggle getting enough hours of sleep. Balancing both work and personal life can help you boost your energy and libido. Try incorporating taking naps, having a healthy diet high in proteins, antioxidants, and complex carbohydrates such as walnuts, lean meat, fish, green tea, blueberries, and dark chocolate. 

Communicate with your partner

Emotional closeness is a key factor to sexual intimacy. Unresolved conflicts or past arguments can affect your mood to be in "the mood". Communication is vital for building trust and to prevent any lurking resentment from building up. 

Make plans for dates and lovemaking, even if you never been a part of your life before. Downplay the focus on sex and focus on just making time together, along with foreplay, massage, and oral stimulation. Many partnerships benefit from seeking short-term couples counseling when your sex life or relationship in general hits a rough patch.


Therapy, both alone and with your partner, can help you manage some of the mood symptoms of menopause and understand how to support a decreased libido.

Kegel Exercises

These exercises can help you strengthen and increase the flexibility of the pelvic floor, which can contribute to having stronger orgasms. To properly do Kegel exercises, locate the muscle by inserting a finger into your vagina and squeeze around it. Try to avoid practicing Kegels while urinating as it could increase the risk of a urinary tract infection. Hold the squeeze for 10 seconds and then fully relax for 10 seconds, and repeat.

Kegel exercises do not tighten the vagina, but they tone and strengthen vaginal muscles, increasing arousal. They also cause a tighter grip during intercourse and more intense contractions during orgasm because it increases blood flow to the vagina.


For some people, aging is not seen as desirable; blaming menopause for lost desire is common. Taking care of yourself, your body, and your relationships with those around you will see the benefits too.

The way you feel about your body affects the way you feel about sex. An unhealthy diet and lack of exercise may cause issues of self-image. These things can discourage you from seeking to have and enjoying sex.

You can boost your self-esteem and sex drive by shifting the focus from your flaws to your attributes. After all, decreased sex drive after menopause happens to most people, and it shouldn’t be a reason to be ashamed. Instead, take it as an opportunity to rediscover your body and understand it during this new stage of life.

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